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The Not So Small Print

The K10 CyberMall, K10 Membership is Part of APA's High Street Recovery Package it is owned by Ayanay Psychological Accreditation (APA) including all rights of Copyright and Intellectual Property. 

Subscription Membership

K10 Membership is a Subscription Service. Only Kitchen Table Entrepreneur Network (K10) Members will be permitted to feature in the K10 CyberMall. 

K10 Membership Subscription is only payable via monthly subscription. 

Access to the K10 Members Zone and the benefits of the Membership are exclusive to K10 Members. 



K10 Members that sign up before the official Launch will benefit from ZERO Set Up Fees and will be guaranteed the Introductory rate of £10 per month for the 1st Year of Membership.

Subscription Charges will not be applied prior to the formal launch.

Membership Benefits will only be activated at the point of the formal launch.

Terms & Conditions of K10 Members

Membership of, and inclusion in the K10 CyberMall is a Subscription based agreement. 


K10 Membership is a 12 Month agreement and all K10 Members commit to this agreement.  


The K10 Membership Introductory Subscription Offer

Crafters Membership

£10 per month for the 1st Year of Membership - ONLY Available for Members that Sign Up before - 31/03/2024 


Membership Subscription from 01/04/2024 will rise to £15 per month.


On Street Business

Details To Be Confirmed


K10 Members benefit from access to

  • K10 Support Resources

  • Business Support Materials

  • 2 Hours of Direct Business Coaching

  • Discounted Access to Mentors

  • The K10 Networking Room

  • K10 CyberMall Promotions


Set Up and Administration Fees

Set Up

Post Launch Members will be subject to a One-off Administration Charge of £5.00 for the processing of the Members Listing on the K10 Cybermall and the Quick Links. 


Administration Fees

K10 Membership Administration Fees will only be applied to activity requested by the member. 


Legal Duties and Responsibilities

All K10 Members are accountable for their own Legal Duties & Responsibilities. The K10 CyberMall does NOT accept or take responsibility for the legal or taxation requirements of any K10 Member. 


All Health & Safety Certification required for K10 Members, in relation to their business function, are the responsibility of the K10 Members. 


K10 Members that are found to be operating without the appropriate Certification WILL be removed from the K10 CyberMall and will be suspended from K10 Membership, until Certification is in place. 


Leaving The K10 CyberMall

Members having committed to a years Membership, can have their K10 CyberMall Listing removed in advance of the end of their years subscription. A K10 Member intending to leave the K10 Membership must communicate their intent in writing. with a months notice and completion of any outstanding subscription balance.


DATA Storage and Use

K10 CyberMall and K10 Membership are committed to ensuring the maximum respect, protection and safety of your Data.


All GDPR requirements will be maintained

Your Data will never be shared, sold or exchanged with any organisation or individuals

Your can, and are welcome to request a record of all data held, that relates to yourself and your business. 


Confidentiality, Stalking, & Malicious Communications

The K10 Membership will not tolerate breaches of Confidentiality, or incidents of Stalking, or Malicious Communications.



It is a requirement of K10 Membership that ALL Members respect and observe the confidentiality of fellow members. Where K10 Members use the Networking Room and the Membership 'Follow' Option they are must respect all other members, their businesses and remember, that the space is made available to support each other.

Those that breach this, will be Suspended from the Membership, invited to discuss any incidents of concern and may face being removed from the K10 CyberMall and Blocked from the K10 Membership. 


Stalking & Malicious Communication

Where there is a report of Stalking or Malicious Communication, The K10 Membership Management  will act immediately and proactively. No K10 Member should be made to feel uncomfortable. Let it be known, K10 Membership will support victims of Stalking & Malicious Communication with regards to any Police Complaint. Where appropriate, this can include sharing data of any activity that has taken place on this platform. 


The K10 Membership and K10 CyberMall listing of any K10 Member, who engages in Stalking or Malicious Communication will be terminated and blocked from re-entry. 


Intellectual Property of K10 Members

K10 Members retain full ownership and protection responsibilities for their Intellectual Property. The K10 Membership Team reminds all members that discussions in the Networking Room, are not guaranteed to be protected. Whilst we apply a Confidentiality clause in the K10 Membership, we can not accept legal liabilities for the impact of any such breaches. 

K10 CyberMall Disclaimer

K10 CyberMall holds and accepts no responsibility for customer disputes as ALL K10 Members are independent Traders.

Whistleblowing and Complaints

K10 CyberMall operates a clear Whistleblowing and Complaints Process. 


The K10 Membership Management will act. 


  1. If a K10 Member is suspected of engaging in activity connected to the Legal elements related to Whistleblowing,

  2. Where a Customer believes a K10 Member is:

  •  Trading under false pretences or misrepresents themselves

  • Abusive or otherwise inappropriate


NB. K10 Membership will seek to support Members where False or Malicious complaints are made. 

Community Support Directory

The K10 Community Support Directory within the K10 CyberMall will provide Charities and Community Support Groups a dedicated space to maximise the collaborative impact of the knowledge, understanding and experience that resides across the community. 


Only Charities and Community Support Groups that join the K10 Membership will be included in the Directory. These groups will benefit from Collective Consultation across the K10 Network. (Via the Networking Forum ONLY. - Direct Promotion to Individual Members is Prohibited)


Charities and Community Support Groups will be promoted via the Directory with individual links to each group. 


The 1st years listing on The K10 Community Support Directory will be Open for FREE until 01/04/2024 after which a single annual set up and Listing fee of £75.00 will be applicable. 

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